
What are Recycled Plastics?

Recycled plastics are secondary raw materials obtained from the recycling of plastic waste that has already been used at least once. These recycled plastics can originate from post-consumer waste from households or from industrial (post-industrial) waste. In both cases, recycling is not possible without the prior generation of waste.

The most common types of plastics, such as polyethylene (PE), polypropylene (PP), polystyrene (PS), and polyethylene terephthalate (PET), are easily recyclable due to the existence of specific recycling streams for each. In countries like Germany, collection is carried out through systems like the dual system, where consumers dispose of plastic packaging materials such as bottles and tubes in yellow bags or bins.

Redesigning packaging to facilitate recycling and increasing consumer awareness and motivation can significantly increase the amount of recyclable plastics in the future.


How to Make Your Packaging Recyclable?

If you want your packaging to be recyclable or wish to use recycled plastics in your products, we are your trusted supplier of recycled raw materials and custom compounds. We cater to a wide range of applications in extrusion, injection molding, and blow molding.


Differences Between Post-Consumer (PCR) and Post-Industrial (PIR) Recycling

Post-consumer recycling comes from waste generated by end consumers, while post-industrial recycling originates from plastic waste generated during the manufacturing of plastics, i.e., industrial waste. Sometimes, post-industrial recycling is also referred to as pre-consumer recycling.


Types of Recycled Plastics

The term recycled encompasses several categories of raw materials:

– Regrind: Produced by grinding plastic waste into particles of 2-5 mm, which may contain dust.
– Regranulate: Obtained by melting the ground material, resulting in a uniform grain size without dust content, ideal for further processing.
– Regenerate: Also obtained by melting, but with the addition of additives to adjust specific properties. It has a uniform particle size distribution and is dust-free.

Legal Definition of Recycled Materials

Currently, there is no unified European definition of the term «recycled.» In 2020, German legislation defined «recycled» as secondary raw materials obtained through waste recovery, suitable for manufacturing products (Article 3, Section 7b of the Circular Economy Act).


Recycling Process

Recycling plastics begins with the classification and separation of waste. The recycling industry uses modern facilities that employ sensory technology and chemical differences to detect and separate different types of plastic, removing impurities and foreign materials.

The recycling process includes several stages: collection, separation, grinding, washing, and melting. This produces recycled materials that meet market requirements and can be reused in new plastic products.


What is EUCertPlast?

The European Certification of Plastics Recyclers (EuCertPlast) is a harmonized certification system at the European level that came into effect in 2012. Based on the European standard EN 15343:2007, it focuses on the traceability and quality of recycled plastics. This certification is recognized by many organizations, and products made from recycled plastics can obtain the «Blue Angel» environmental label if the raw material is certified by EuCertPlast.


What is the Circular Economy?

The circular economy is a sustainability principle that aims to use raw materials, materials, and products for as long as possible, passing them from generation to generation or repairing them when necessary. If this is not feasible, products should be broken down into their original materials to be reused as new raw materials, thus closing the product lifecycle. Recycling is a central process in the circular economy, providing a new beginning for raw materials and conserving limited natural resources.